
Storage Products

Vidmar Catalog
We have a full line of storage products to fit any need. We install shelving, pallet rack, Stanley-Vidmar cabinets, and many more items to increase the capacity of your warehouse or storage area. We are warehousing specialists that can assist you in making your cubic storage space more efficient.

Pallet Rack

In today's world of warehousing floor space has become a premium with the rising inflation of real-estate and building costs. Pallet rack is one way to get pallet loads of material off the floor and in the air so that you are using less floor space and more cubic space in your buildings. Pallet rack is customized to fit your pallet needs. When calling for pallet rack, pleas have available for our sales staff the pallet width, depth, load height, and pallet capacity. We can then design beams and uprights to meet your needs. Typically pallets sit on the beams with a 3" overhang on each end. A 48" pallet would often sit on a 42" deep pallet rack, however many warehouses use a variety of pallet sizes and cannot use a standard size pallet, as a result with pallet rack Virginia Storage can furnish wire decking, steel decking, and pallet rack crossbars to assist the beams in holding the various loads required on pallet rack.


Increase floor space without new building construction costs by utilizing wasted headspace and utilizing your cubic space.  Created specifically for each installation, these products will fit your specifications exactly. Mezzanines are ideal post-construction solutions for general storage needs, assembly processes, inspection platforms, catwalk structures, added office space, conveyor walkovers, laboratories, food processing equipment, just about any addition needed.